About Us

Canadians for Safe Glass is an advocacy group dedicated to educating Canadians about the dangers of wired glass.

It was started by Rob Botman, a parent who works in the glass industry and knew that unsafe wired glass had been banned in the US and around the world, but not in Canada. Why should our Canadian kids be at risk in their schools? Canadians for Safe Glass was organized to do something about it.

We have heard from:

  • Parents of children who are upset that their children are exposed to this dangerous glass every day in schools.
  • Teachers and Administrators who have seen wired glass accidents first hand. One Ontario Principal told us he witnessed a wired glass accident and had to pick up the student’s severed finger from the floor of his school.
  • Health care workers and their patients who see this dangerous material in healthcare facilities.
  • Building owners looking to improve their buildings with safer materials.
  • Construction companies who want to make safer buildings.
  • Glass installers who have refused to continue to install unsafe wired glass.
  • Insurance companies who refuse to insure buildings with unsafe wired glass and have directed their policy holders to immediately cease using unsafe wired glass.
  • Americans who cannot believe unsafe wired glass is still in use in Canada.
  • International glass industry experts who say that unsafe wired glass has been banned around the world and the only countries that still use unsafe wired glass are Canada and Japan (where it is only allowed as an earthquake glass).
  • The Canadian Glass Association that advises Canadians to stop using wired glass in locations subject to human impact.

Our work:

  • Tirelessly advocating to ban wired glass in Canada since 2012
  • Member of Canadian General Standards Board committee on glass since 2014
  • Member of Technical Committee of Canadian Glass Association 2015
  • Proponent of Code Change Request for National Building Code since 2017
  • Wrote numerous articles. Interviewed for numerous articles. Supported CBC and Global TV investigations.

Wired Glass must be removed and replaced with safer options.


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